Facts About The Colposcopy Procedure

Colposcopy at Seasons Women's Care

Facts About The Colposcopy Procedure

Facts About The Colposcopy Procedure 1200 600 Seasons Women's Care

Colposcopy is a medical procedure that lets your doctor take a closer look at the cervix, the vagina and the vulva. Your doctor may recommend this procedure if your PAP smear came back with abnormal results. By using the colposcope, the doctor can examine the vaginal tissue to detect lesions or abnormalities that might signal cervical cancer or some other problem.

This is the main goal of colposcopy. It is used to prevent cervical cancer by identifying precancerous lesions as soon as possible for early treatment. The colposcope is equipped with special colored magnifying lenses that allow close examination of the cervix and vaginal area.

Sometimes women may experience anxiety before their colposcopy is scheduled. This is normal but knowing what to expect can enable you to feel more at ease and less nervous. If you are feeling nervous or anxious, be sure to call and speak to someone about this.


  • Cervical, vaginal, or vulvar cancer
  • Genital warts
  • Precancerous changes in the tissue of the cervix, vagina, and vulva
  • Inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis)

Though the procedure is safe, a few rare complications can occur, including:

  • Infection
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Pelvic pain
  • Chills & fever

After your colposcopy, rest as much as possible for a few days and drink plenty of liquids. If you experience any of the symptoms above, call your doctor at once.


Your doctor will talk to you about what happens during a colposcopy. She will answer all your questions and advise you of the possible complications so that you feel at ease about the process. If you have any questions or concerns, your doctor and the staff at Seasons Women’s Care is always available.

Some general guidelines for preparation include:

  • Do not schedule the exam during your period.
  • Avoid vaginal intercourse for several days before the test.
  • Don’t use tampons for several days after the test.

It’s okay to take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as Tylenol, Advil, Motrin or others several hours before your colposcopy appointment. This can help with any discomfort you may experience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.